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中文摘要: 采用低压等离子工艺制备耐高温可磨耗涂层, 通过光学显微镜观察了耐高温涂层的显微结构, 采用逐层法与曲率法相结合的检测技术, 对不同厚度涂层残余应力进行检测, 形成了涂层厚度与残余应力分布及趋势图,运用热处理技术控制和消除涂层内部残余的涂层应力。 结果表明, 低压等离子喷涂的耐高温涂层表面残余应力随
着涂层厚度的增加而增大, 当涂层厚度达到 0.6mm 左右极限时, 涂层会发生自然开裂, 采用热处理的工艺方法可以减少涂层内的热应力导致的涂层残余应力。
Abstract:In the study, high temperature abradable coatings were prepared by low pressure plasma spray process,the microstructure of coatings was observed by optical microscope, the coating residual stress with different thickness were measured by the combination of layer by layer and curvature method, and the distribution and trend chart of coating thickness and residual stress were formed. The heat treatment techniques to control and eliminate residual stresses inside the coating were adopted. The results show that the surface residual stress of the low temperature plasma sprayed high temperature resistant coating increases with the thickness of the coating. The coating will crack naturally when the coating thickness reaches the limit value of about 0.6 mm. The heat treatment process can reduce the residual stress of the coating caused by thermal stress.
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作者 | 单位 |
王斌利 | 中国航发西安航空发动机有限公司 |
胡江波 | 中国航发西安航空发动机有限公司 |
王建锋 | 中国航发西安航空发动机有限公司 |
黄宝庆 | 中国航发西安航空发动机有限公司 |
江鹏 | 西安交通大学航空航天学院 |
刘建明 | 北矿新材科技有限公司 |
.Residual Stress Measurement and Analyze of High TemperatureAbradable Coatings Prepared by Low Pressure Plasma Spray[J].Thermal Spray Technology,201911(4):55-59.
.Residual Stress Measurement and Analyze of High TemperatureAbradable Coatings Prepared by Low Pressure Plasma Spray[J].Thermal Spray Technology,201911(4):55-59.