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中文摘要: 针对沿海工业区域输变电电塔钢构件出现的腐蚀现象, 模拟海洋 - 工业大气环境, 配比了含有 6 种不同浓
度 NaCl 的腐蚀介质溶液, 采用干湿交替循环法处理镀锌钢试样, 分析了镀锌钢试样的腐蚀失重行为。 研究结果
表明, 镀锌钢的腐蚀增重随着干湿循环次数的增加而增大; 镀锌钢的腐蚀过程可以划分为腐蚀初期、 腐蚀中期和
腐蚀后期 3 个阶段, 腐蚀初期和腐蚀中期处于腐蚀减速阶段, 腐蚀后期处于腐蚀加速阶段; Cl- 的存在缩短了镀
锌钢转入下一腐蚀阶段的时间, 含有 Cl- 和 HSO3- 的腐蚀介质溶液的腐蚀能力更强。 研究结果对于输变电设备维
Abstract:To address the corrosion phenomenon of steel components of transmission and substation towers
in coastal industrial areas, the corrosion media solutions containing six different concentrations of NaCl were
formulated to simulate the ocean-industrial atmosphere, and the galvanized steel specimens were treated with wetdry cycle method, then the corrosion weight loss behavior of galvanized steel specimens was analyzed. The results
showed that the corrosion weight gain of galvanized steel increases with the increase of the number of wet-dry
cycles.The corrosion process of galvanized steel can be divided into three phases: early corrosion, mid-corrosion
and late corrosion, with the early and the mid-corrosion in the corrosion deceleration phase and the late corrosion
in the corrosion acceleration phase.The presence of Cl- shortens the time for galvanized steel to move to the next
corrosion phase, and the solutions containing Cl- and HSO3- corrosion medium were more corrosive. The results of
this study are of great significance for the maintenance of transmission and substation equipment.
keywords: Transmission towers Galvanized steel Atmospheric corrosion Marine industrial environment Wetdry cycle
文章编号: 中图分类号:TG174.4 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
GuohuaRuifeng (DongyingHekou) Wind Power Co. Ltd. |
柴 滨.沿海工业区域输变电电塔钢构件的腐蚀行为研究[J].热喷涂技术,2023,15(1):61-65+28.
.Study on Corrosion Behavior of Steel Members of Transmission andTransformation Towers in Coastal Industrial Areas[J].Thermal Spray Technology,202315(1):61-65+28.
柴 滨.沿海工业区域输变电电塔钢构件的腐蚀行为研究[J].热喷涂技术,2023,15(1):61-65+28.
.Study on Corrosion Behavior of Steel Members of Transmission andTransformation Towers in Coastal Industrial Areas[J].Thermal Spray Technology,202315(1):61-65+28.